modular structure
TYPO3 is so powerful because it is developed with one key idea: the modular structure. The TYPO3 core - the core of the TYPO3 system - creates the default page hierarchy and the pages including all elements (photos, multimedia, forms ect.).
It can be expanded with extra features from one of the more than 2,000 extensions in the TYPO3-library. And when that is not enough you can also write your own custom made extension.
front-end editing
What you see is what you get.
Front-end editing makes it possible to edit the content of the site directly on the page itself, by clicking the section you want to adjust.
search engine friendly addresses
TYP03 generates search engine friendly addresses. The pages get readable addresses. This makes it easier for search engines to index the page, and it works a lot better if you can refer to instead of [2322]
multilingual websites
TYPO3 is originally Danish, the working language is English. Multilingualism is ingrained in the system. It has advanced options for 2,3,4 or more languages​​. You can also run partially multilingual websites.
multiple websites in one CMS
It is possible to run multiple websites from one CMS. In that case you can also share the content across different websites. This makes it a lot easier to manage.
comprehensive access rights system
The access rights system is very comprehensive and comparable with Linux. Per editor (group) you can select which parts of the site can be edited and what can be adjusted. You can also assign specific pages to one editor.
standard publishing options
You can publish content in advance. Content can be edited outside the live environment. Multiple editors can work on the same text. Earlier versions of a text are easily retrieved.